
OWASP New Zealand Day

The ninth conference of its kind. Dedicated to information security, with an emphasis on secure architecture and development techniques to help Kiwi developers build more secure applications.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers - Intense

Kiwicon hands-on threat modelling, attack and defence strategy training for Web Developers wishing to understand their attackers better, stay ahead of them and create cost effective defence strategies.

Conference - Christchurch Hacker Con

CHCon 2016: A conference for security professionals and hackers in Christchurch, NZ.

Workshop - Security Regression Testing with ZapAPI and NodeGoat

At AWS Auckland, Kim will demonstrate the OWASP Zap API with NodeGoat, which helps you identify vulnerabilities in your web application as you create it, rather than at the end of a project.

Workshop - Security Regression Testing with ZapAPI and NodeGoat

NodeJS Auckland: Kim will demonstrate the OWASP Zap API with NodeGoat, which helps you identify vulnerabilities in your web application as you create it, rather than at the end of a project.

Workshop - Security Regression Testing with ZapAPI and NodeGoat

This time in Kilkenny of Ireland, Kim will demonstrate the OWASP Zap API with NodeGoat, which helps you identify vulnerabilities in your web application as you create it, rather than at the end of a project.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Computer Science Students

This time for the students of University of Canterbury. An exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural, engineering and penetration testing perspective. Based on the content of volume 0 & 1 of Kim’s new book “Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers”. This time held at the University of Canterbury.

Workshop - Security Regression Testing with ZapAPI and NodeGoat

This time in New York City at OWASP, Kim will demonstrate the OWASP Zap API with NodeGoat, which helps you identify vulnerabilities in your web application as you create it, rather than at the end of a project.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York City. An exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural, engineering and penetration testing perspective. Based on the content of volume 0 & 1 of Kim’s new book “Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers”.

Workshop - Security Regression Testing with ZapAPI and NodeGoat

Kim will demonstrate the OWASP Zap API with NodeGoat at the meetup he usually facilitates, which helps you identify vulnerabilities in your web application as you create it, rather than at the end of a project.