
Workshop - Windows Exploitation and Persistence with PowerShell

Kim will walk us through a collection of PowerShell delivery (RAM, not disk) techniques for a common reverse shellcode.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers - Intense

Kiwicon hands-on threat modelling, attack and defence strategy training for Web Developers wishing to understand their attackers better, stay ahead of them and create cost effective defence strategies.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Computer Science Students

This time for the students of University of Canterbury. An exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural, engineering and penetration testing perspective. Based on the content of volume 0 & 1 of Kim’s new book “Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers”. This time held at the University of Canterbury.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

Hackers On Planet Earth (HOPE) conference in New York City. An exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural, engineering and penetration testing perspective. Based on the content of volume 0 & 1 of Kim’s new book “Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers”.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

AusCERT hands-on threat modelling, attack and defence strategy training for Web Developers wishing to understand their attackers better, stay ahead of them and create cost effective defence strategies.

Workshop - Tools, Password Profiling, Brute Forcing

Kim will take ISIG through the [collection of tools](https://f0.holisticinfosecforwebdevelopers.com/chap05.html#tooling-setup) added and configured on his penetration testing machine used throughout his book series ([Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers](https://www.holisticinfosecforwebdevelopers.com)). Kim will then profile a well known celebrities password, creating a short-list, then (on-line) brute force their login. Come along, it’ll be fun.

Security Review, Penetration Testing

You need to be sure that what your development team(s) are creating is going to withstand the onslaught of those tasked with breaking your deliverables, and stealing your customers data. Your customers want to be certain that their personal data is secure. You need your product to stand-up to those that are going to attack it.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

Kiwicon hands-on threat modelling, attack and defence strategy training for Web Developers wishing to understand their attackers better, stay ahead of them and create cost effective defence strategies.

Talk - Password Profiling, Brute Forcing

Kim talks with his fellow Toastmasters about profiling peoples passwords and then brute forcing web applications with the shortlist of guessed passwords..

Talk - Infectious Media with Rubber Ducky

Kim talks with his fellow Toastmasters about the risks and countermeasures of luring targets to execute infectious media on their devices.