
Talk - 0wn1ng The Web

At Functional Christchurch, due to popular demand. Taking the perspective of the penetration tester hired in by the target to find the defects in their security defences before the cyber criminals do.

Talk - 0wn1ng The Web

At Test Professionals Network Christchurch, due to popular demand. Taking the perspective of the penetration tester hired in by the target to find the defects in their security defences before the cyber criminals do.

Talk - 0wn1ng The Web

At CHCH.js Christchurch, due to popular demand. Taking the perspective of the penetration tester hired in by the target to find the defects in their security defences before the cyber criminals do.

Talk - 0wn1ng The Web

At WDCNZ: Kim discusses and demonstrates how JavaScript can be used for good and evil.

Talk - Does Your Cloud Solution Look Like a Mushroom

At Dot Net User Group, Christchurch, due to popular demand this presentation is being run again. Drawing from Kim's recent blog post "[Journey to Self Hosting](" and many more resources for some high-level ideas about cloud solutions. Kim will discuss what's good and what's not good about "the Cloud".

Talk - Does Your Cloud Solution Look Like a Mushroom

At OWASP meetup, Christchurch, due to popular demand this presentation is being run again. Drawing from Kim's recent blog post "[Journey to Self Hosting](" and many more resources for some high-level ideas about cloud solutions. Kim will discuss what's good and what's not good about "the Cloud".

Talk - Passwords 101

In this 5 – 7 minute talk, Kim demonstrates (hands on) how easy it can be to compromise passwords using a collection of techniques. Kim discusses how most developers are failing at keeping their end users safe.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

At CampJS, Melbourne, Australia: Join Kim in the exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural perspective down to the zeros and ones. Also providing insights of how attackers of your systems think.

Talk - Does Your Cloud Solution Look Like a Mushroom

Saturn Architect Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA: Drawing from Kim's recent blog post "[Journey to Self Hosting](" and many more resources for some high-level ideas about cloud solutions. Kim will discuss what's good and what's not good about "the Cloud".

Talk - How to Increase Software Developer Productivity

At AgileNZ: Are you looking to get more out of your organisation’s software developers, increase your ROI, spend less money on fixing bugs or increase your development team’s business value and release rate? If so, this session is for you.