
Software Engineer Interview Quick Question Set

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Software Engineer Interview Process and Questions

Redirects to legacy blog post. A short time ago, I was tasked with finding the right software engineer/s for the organisation I was working for. I settled on a process, a set of background questions, a set of practical programming exercises and a set of verbal questions. Later on I cut the set of verbal questions down to a quicker set. In this post, I’ll be going over the process and the full set of verbal questions. In a subsequent post I’ll go over the quicker set.

JavaScript Coding Standards and Guidelines

Redirects to legacy blog post. This is the current set of coding standards and guidelines I use when I’m coding in the JavaScript language. I thought it would be good to share so others could get use out of them also, and maybe start a discussion as to amendments / changes they see that could be useful?

Sanitising User Input from Browser part 1

Redirects to legacy blog post. I was working on a web based project recently where there was no security thought about when designing, developing it. The following outlines my experience with retrofitting security. It’s my hope that someone will find it useful for their own implementation.

JavaScript Properties

Redirects to legacy blog post. In ECMAScript 5 we now have two distinct kinds of properties. * Data properties * Accessor properties

Extending, Currying and Monkey Patching part 3

Redirects to legacy blog post. Monkey Patching, or sometimes known as Duck Punching.

Extending, Currying and Monkey Patching part 2

Redirects to legacy blog post. Currying got it’s name from Haskell Curry, originally discovered by Moses Schönfinkel. The programming language Haskell named after Haskell Curry is a purely functional language. So the concept of Currying has it’s roots in functional programming. It seems that the concepts of Currying and Partial Function Application are often used interchangeably, although they are different. Lets try and shed some light on the confusion.

Extending, Currying and Monkey Patching part 1

Redirects to legacy blog post. Extending: The JavaScript and Function.prototype.apply methods allow us to extend an object with additional functionality...

JavaScript Reserved Words

Redirects to legacy blog post. Funnily enough, most of these are not used in the language. They cannot be used to name variables or parameters. In saying that, I did some testing below and that statement’s not entirely accurate.

Scoping and Hoisting in JavaScript

Redirects to legacy blog post. In this article I’ll go over getting Kali Linux installed and set-up. I’ll go over a few of the packages in a low level of detail (due to the share number of them) that come out of the box. On top of that I’ll also go over a few programmes I like to install separately. In a subsequent article I’d like to continue with additional programmes that come with Kali Linux as there are just to many to cover in one go.