
Conference - OWASP New Zealand Day

The seventh OWASP New Zealand Day conference, held at the University of Auckland.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

Kiwicon hands-on threat modelling, attack and defence strategy training for Web Developers wishing to understand their attackers better, stay ahead of them and create cost effective defence strategies.

Talk - 0wn1ng The Web

At WDCNZ: Kim discusses and demonstrates how JavaScript can be used for good and evil.

Workshop - Holistic Info-Sec for Web Developers

At CampJS, Melbourne, Australia: Join Kim in the exploration into an insightful set of steps he has learned, from an architectural perspective down to the zeros and ones. Also providing insights of how attackers of your systems think.

Conference - OWASP New Zealand Day

The sixth OWASP New Zealand Day conference, held at the University of Auckland.