Personal Internet Banking
Successfully brought the development of Personal Online-Banking in-house.
Assisted in recruiting and mentoring managers and a development team to take over PIB.
Created road map for ongoing architecture and development. Restructured and worked on new features. Ongoing reviews and security status reports with proposed solutions.
Full evaluation of web module loaders. Replacing RequireJS with WebPack to utilise all module systems available (ES6 modules, globals, AMD, CommonJS).
Replacing BackboneJS views and templates with React/Flux components and jsx. Evaluated CSS pre-processors again.
Common Technologies:
- JavaScript, HandlebarsJS, gulp.js, AMD and CommonJS, NodeJS, LESS, React with Flux
- Mocha, SinonJS, C#.NET
- Git, gitbash
- WebStorm, VisualStudio
See testimonials by David Gadsby, Lana Winders and Rachel Robertson